26 dec. 2013


As the night darken the streets
I walk slowly underneath the trees
Knowing you are miles away
But so close to me inside my heart
Listening to songs that reminds me of you
Mimicking as I hear the words being sung
Words that I want you to hear
But it’s too late for them being said

You absence feels sharp as a blade
Killing me every minute that you’re not here
I don’t know what feels worse
That you don’t know of my sorrow
Or that you know but don’t care

As the sky lightens up by the sun
I find my way back home
Wondering if you slept alright tonight
Alone or with someone by your side
And if so I wonder if she feels the same as I do about you
If she makes you happy
There’s no point in asking me the same
Because happy is what I would have been with you…

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