26 jan. 2014

Tio i sju.

I get so weak in your presence. Not weak as in hurting, painful, hopeless and feeling like giving up but weak as in my knees starts to shake so it’s a struggle to keep them up and I lose the words to say because I want to make sure I say the all the right ones.
I love how you smell. It’s not a smell, it’s a scent. A scent similar to a beautiful melody and I know that sounds really cheesy… but I’ve finally realized how much truth can be told in a cheesy line like that. People who say that the love you can find in Disney-movies and romantic comedies aren’t real just haven’t really experiences true love yet. True love… is that even a thing? To me it is, thanks to you.
It just said boom or click or snap because it happened so fast – but that doesn’t mean it’s not real because I can feel it in my bones, my very core. Every atom in my body is screaming for you and every inch of you is perfection,  I can’t even describe all of this with words…
I feel like I’m in a dream and I’ve pinched myself more than once to make sure I’m not sleeping. This is just too good to be true and I know that sometimes good things happen but I’m not used to it… If this really is a dream, I will kill the one who tries to wake me.  

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